I've been thinking about plants lately, and the life lessons hidden in them.
How eager we are when we begin, we vision the product, the healthy full fruitful plant.
That vision can make us impatient and maybe even do harsh things like over water and drown our little plant. Giving it too much that it cannot adsorb.
But our motive is hope.
And the days crawl by, especially the days when seeds are still underground and we cannot see at all if there is progress.
Until.. one day, a tiny green pops out, and we are thrilled. But we still have to be patient.
The sun must do it's work, the roots must stretch down and that takes time.
So we should celebrate every new bit of growth and be joyfully satisfied in it.
And sometimes move a few leaves to find surprises underneath we did not take the time to see before.
Because, with patience, care and faith in that which we cannot even provide...
We just might be surprised with how far they have come.
And more than anything, make sure to appreciate their simple beauty and appreciate the time they took this journey with you.
Really nice progress Alicia! You have quite a green thumb!
awe, thanks Judy. I'm working on it more than ever this year. It's bringing me a lot of joy.
I miss taking care of roses.
Gee that would be a bummer if I Thessalonians 4:17 happened before these things could turn ripe! :)
The plants on the New Earth will put these babies to shame my friend! Can you imagine???!! Gardening with no bad bugs, no weeds!? Fabulous.
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