"Be thankfulin all things, for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus concerning you." I Thes 5:18
Friday, May 20, 2011
Random Coffee Talk: Our View of God
Thanks for watching, now listen to this. ALL of it, it's great and entertaining. These are the types of things we need to be hearing. "A slave to what is right"...so good.
..and on that.. Does this mean that we don't sin? No, it means that we do not continue in sin. We are not able...praise God. We are convicted and forgiven, and continually in freedom.
I liked what you said that what we believe about God, we will act on... so then does right believing equal right living? Who is believing right? Of course we believe that God is good, the deeper question is, is He good to ME. How can I believe He is good to me when all I hear from Christians is the opposite? "Just follow the 10 commandments!” Rob Bell says in his new book that seems to be selling like hot cakes, Love Wins, that “the standard answer” to the question “How do youmake sure you’ll be a part of the new thing God is going to do?” is “LIVE THE COMMANDMENTS. God has shown you how to live. Live that way. The more you become a person of peace and justice and worship and generosity, the more actively you participate now in ordering and working to bring about God’s kind of world…” First of all, when did the law bring about peace? The law was given as our tutor, to show us our need for a Savior. To show us that we fall short of any kind of righteousness in ourselves. In fact, Isaiah says that our own righteousness is like filthy rags! The law or 10 commandments was never given as a means to draw nearer to God because it has never had the power to enable us to do so, it only points out where we fail, where we sin. THIS is why Grace is so important and essential to our loving lives, it EMPOWERS us to live in love, to live without guilt! Hebrews 10 talks about how Jesus died once and sat down at the right hand of God, having purified us to have NO MORE CONSCIOUSNESS OF SINS. We are forgiven. The Holy Spirit’s job is not to convict us of our sin because that’s what the law does, the Holy Spirit’s job is to convict or convince us of our righteousness before God because of what Jesus has done – that’s the good news!! Isn’t this the exact opposite of what the law does? And yet the law is what Christians cling to… Follow the law and you’ll be blessed, don’t follow it and you’ll be cursed. We can’t follow the law, it wasn’t designed for that so we live with the fear of the curse. How can you believe God is good to you when you are told that this is the victorious Christian life?
I agree, when we are put under pressure (trial) how we respond shows who and how we view God and the gospel. I look forward to discussing Crazy Love with you soon.
I think many Americans are taught the wrong gospel. They are taught that God loves me and has this wonder life planned for me and nothing bad or hard will happen to me. When life does not go that way, they are not sure of God any more.
Question: who is at the end of the gospel? Me or God. Is the gospel God loves me? or is there more to the gospel?
I believe that God is the end of the Gospel. God loves me and sent his son to die on the cross so that I can have a relationship with Him, obey Him, serve Him,glorify Him, and make HIS name known among all the nations. God is the object of our faith and Christianity centers around Him.
I liked what you said that what we believe about God, we will act on... so then does right believing equal right living? Who is believing right? Of course we believe that God is good, the deeper question is, is He good to ME. How can I believe He is good to me when all I hear from Christians is the opposite? "Just follow the 10 commandments!” Rob Bell says in his new book that seems to be selling like hot cakes, Love Wins, that “the standard answer” to the question “How do youmake sure you’ll be a part of the new thing God is going to do?” is “LIVE THE COMMANDMENTS. God has shown you how to live. Live that way. The more you become a person of peace and justice and worship and generosity, the more actively you participate now in ordering and working to bring about God’s kind of world…” First of all, when did the law bring about peace? The law was given as our tutor, to show us our need for a Savior. To show us that we fall short of any kind of righteousness in ourselves. In fact, Isaiah says that our own righteousness is like filthy rags! The law or 10 commandments was never given as a means to draw nearer to God because it has never had the power to enable us to do so, it only points out where we fail, where we sin. THIS is why Grace is so important and essential to our loving lives, it EMPOWERS us to live in love, to live without guilt! Hebrews 10 talks about how Jesus died once and sat down at the right hand of God, having purified us to have NO MORE CONSCIOUSNESS OF SINS. We are forgiven. The Holy Spirit’s job is not to convict us of our sin because that’s what the law does, the Holy Spirit’s job is to convict or convince us of our righteousness before God because of what Jesus has done – that’s the good news!! Isn’t this the exact opposite of what the law does? And yet the law is what Christians cling to… Follow the law and you’ll be blessed, don’t follow it and you’ll be cursed. We can’t follow the law, it wasn’t designed for that so we live with the fear of the curse. How can you believe God is good to you when you are told that this is the victorious Christian life?
And Francis Chan, how can you say that you are afraid of preaching Grace? That tells me you don't understand it...
I agree, when we are put under pressure (trial) how we respond shows who and how we view God and the gospel. I look forward to discussing Crazy Love with you soon.
I think many Americans are taught the wrong gospel. They are taught that God loves me and has this wonder life planned for me and nothing bad or hard will happen to me. When life does not go that way, they are not sure of God any more.
Question: who is at the end of the gospel? Me or God. Is the gospel God loves me? or is there more to the gospel?
I believe that God is the end of the Gospel. God loves me and sent his son to die on the cross so that I can have a relationship with Him, obey Him, serve Him,glorify Him, and make HIS name known among all the nations. God is the object of our faith and Christianity centers around Him.
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